(перевод см. ниже)
Dear Mrs. Bolansée , dear Mr. McQuaid,
Dear BMX Commission ( please forward to Mr. Abe Schneider , Bas de Bever, Mike King, German Medina, Roger Rinderknecht )
Ladies and gentleman ( please forward to BMX responsible )
Please find enclosed open letter and fotos about the possible safety and health danger at UCI BMX Supercross races.
Kind regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Francisco J. Bähr
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
As team owner of a BMX-Racing Team with 18 riders, I feel I have a responsibility towards the health and safety of my riders as sportspeople. With this in mind, I am writing this as an open letter, that it is in my opinion become a situation whereby the organizers have taken the “Extreme Show” effect too far and are not considering the health and safety of the riders and professional sportsmen and women. At the Supercross event in Papendal, we overstepped the b
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